Inner Quest

Enter the Realm of the Spirit

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Reality or Illusion

Whenever someone talks about some weird supernatural experience, we are often amused but unbelieving. After listening politely for a few minutes, we discreetly advise the person to "get real" and then we immediately shift the conversation back to our favorite subjects — the current fad, dodging traffic, the increasing costs of living, losing our spouse or boyfriend, trouble at the office, at home, or at school, our fear of being kidnapped or our vehicle carnapped, being robbed or mugged, etc., etc., etc.

Still, everywhere we look nowadays, the phenomena persist. In books, write-ups, films and in personal accounts of people we regard as having both feet firmly planted on the ground, we are regaled by tales of ghost visitations, spirit hauntings, angelic interventions and near-death experiences. Few question the pronouncements and "words of wisdom" coming from unseen divine sources relayed to us by evangelists. Still many live in constant dread of the evil that the Devil can do.

We are incredulous when street psychics and uneducated mediums testify of clairvoyant visions and communications received via channeling, trance mediumship or telepathy. And we withhold final judgment in regard to the Marian and other apparitions pending the outcome of the investigations conducted by the Church. Yet, we marvel at the efficacy of the healings attributed to the amazing grace of the Lord, even if many more are not healed.

But still and all, in the midst of all the smoke, all the commotion and the controversies, the message is unmistakably clear and undeniable — There must be another and greater world than our world. Christ himself attests to this. And because spirit survives, then life after death is certain.

If this is true, what is it to us? So what? Well, it has been repeatedly pointed out to us that while we will be staying here on Earth for some 70 years or even a 100, give or take, our entire lifespan is still just a twinkling of an eye compared to eternal time. And yet nevertheless, our actions here will determine our fate and future situation in the Greater World for the rest of our eternal life.

What then are more desirable — instant thrills and fleeting pleasures quickly over or peace, happiness and contentment for all eternity? And which is wiser — to concentrate on the purely mundane which for sure will all pass away soon or while we are still in the world, to study and prepare for our return home, which is inevitable? Which is the dreamworld and which is the real? Are you in the Reality or are you in the Illusion?

Contributed to and published by the Manila Standard


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