Inner Quest

Enter the Realm of the Spirit

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Pastor Rejects New Age Teachings

I intentionally refrained from replying to your letter dated February 23, because I wasn’t sure how I should react to it. I’m still not sure even now. However, you asked for my comments. So, as best as I can, as inoffensively and gently as possible — But truthfully, as always — I write to you now to tell you like it is. No holds barred.

There is so much more I want to tell you. A lot of them, you won’t be able to understand or accept now. But do try to keep an open mind. In his own time, the Lord will clarify all things to you.

1. First let me refer to your letter dated February 23:

You wrote that you design your own courses and teach in your churches. I also teach God’s Truth. Since 1976, after I attained to my own enlightenment with the help of Jesus and the Holy Spirits, some of them we know as the archangels, I have been under continuous training for this work. Instead of being confined only to the study of the Bible, my studies, however, are more experiential and first-hand, and extends also to all other schools of thought and religions. Let me assure you that communication with them is still prevalent as ever they were during Biblical times. And in Heaven, there is no segregation. All religions are one.

Further, the more advanced students among us are not too overly concerned with personalities, even the person of Jesus. Instead, they concentrate more on the concepts and teachings because these are the real messages which we are to profit by. Hence, I am returning your book. I’m sure there will be someone else you can give it to who will be more at the level of its teaching.

My work relates to the dissemination of New and Advanced Teachings which are to form part of what Christ will be teaching us when he comes again very soon after the turn of this century. "Christ will come again." This time however, instead of teaching in parables, he will be speaking to us plainly. INNER QUEST is the vehicle/organization/school which I have founded to accomplish this work. While we are not yet fully operational owing to certain logistical constraints of which you are well aware, nevertheless, all our basic courses have already been written and prepared.

In writing the courses, I have tried to cite the actual words of the Lord, himself, whenever appropriate references are available. Where we disagree, we can always turn to his words for guidance. For your perusal, I am sending you also our basic short course on the Teachings of Jesus Christ.

2. In your view, our beliefs seem so irreconcilable. However, consider a mountain climber working his way up a mountain. Limited as he is to his own personal experiences and knowing only what is behind him, he has no real conception of what is over on the other side of the mountain. As he reaches greater heights, his vision extends farther and farther. Only after he reaches the peak is he really able to see all around. Only then is he able to appraise the whole area and not just the places that he had visited previously.

The Old Testament was intended for people who are far less evolved than we are. Their reasoning faculties not yet fully developed, they were required to be totally subservient to established authority, told to do this and that and not to think so much, in much the same way that we need to warn little children, for their own good so that they don’t come to any harm. However, today, many are capable of increased comprehension. So to them and to all others who are open to Higher Learning, the explanations, plain and simple, are provided.

In our studies, there are rules to be followed. Everything must be subjected to question, analyzed and tested before it is accepted. Those who trek the Higher Paths are not just "told" things. Instead, the Holy Spirits help and guide us so that we may experience the Truth for ourselves, first-hand, and realize for sure that it is really true. In every instance, we are allowed to exercise our own discrimination and judgment in all things. It follows then that all, whether they be in spirit or in the flesh, who try to force their ideas on us are not to be believed, much less followed. Only in this way can we develop to full maturity and spiritual perfection.

While we are able to and do communicate at times with ignorant, lower spirits (spirits of the dead), these occasions are few and only when there is a real spiritual need that can be addressed. The more advanced among us prefer to communicate almost exclusively with Holy Spirits for the instruction and guidance.

3. John the Baptist is not yet a Holy Spirit but is counted among highly developed spirits and saints. He advises and assists us according to his knowledge and abilities. All spirits, high or low and even if they claim to be God, Almighty, are only supposed to propose and suggest. We are the ones to decide for ourselves whether to follow the suggestion or not in line with the divine principles of free will and personal responsibility.

4. We can never find God through purely intellectual pursuits, neither through blind faith. God is found only by imbibing and living out His teachings on righteousness enabling us to become more like Him.

5. I also consider you as my friend and my brother. God loves all of us, His children. But being children spirits, we all need to grow up some more and "become perfect like Him." Being all-powerful and all-knowing, God has found a way to bring all of us forward so that not one of us needs to be forever consigned to an infernal Hell. In fact, He never punishes, instead, all that He allows us to experience, even those that bring pain and sorrow, are for purposes of our instruction, to prepare us. After all, our real life — Spirit life — is in Heaven, not here on Earth. God has prepared good things for all of us in Heaven after we have earned the right to receive His blessings. Reincarnation ensures that we are provided the ample opportunities we need to eventually succeed.

6. I have been quite blunt, myself. If I had not, I would have been less than honest with you. To complete my training, I have joined various study groups to polish up my communication skills but mainly to share and to teach. Once I have planted the seeds of Higher Truth, my work is done. Others who will come after me will water and care for the seeds. Each one can benefit according to his own efforts, if he applies the divine teachings in his life.

In your letter dated May 25, you referred to Josh as being more intellectual than you are and therefore it is your thinking that he can be far more effective than you in sharing Christ. However, let us rather be guided by what Paul told the Corinthians in his first letter to them. Charity or love is the greatest spiritual attribute. We should be patient and tolerant toward our brothers, even if we disagree with them. Just like us, they were granted the singular right to decide for themselves the course of their own life. No one should impose on another against his will or against his own better judgment. "For we know only in part and therefore we prophesy in part. We see through a looking glass, darkly." Therefore, we should respect each other’s beliefs. Not yet having attained to perfect knowledge, we could be wrong and they may be right, after all. But no matter our differences, we are to love one another.

Knowledge, abilities or gifts and all powers are worth nothing without love. Love should be expressed through love and service to our fellowmen, all of them, non-Christians included. Don, this is your special strength. Words can be so empty and meaningless. But deeds are what count the most. Through your good deeds, you reveal to one and all God’s divine love. Nothing else more effectively convince than these do. I was not at all impressed by Josh’s intellect and ideas. But you have impressed me much, much more through your simple, ordinary and everyday attitude of caring and self-giving. In this, you are truly blessed and you are daily proving to everyone that you are a true servant of the Lord.

Reply to Baptist Pastor


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