Psychic Phenomena Proves Life after Death
Science has continued ceaselessly in search of evidence to confirm life after death. But the problem is that, with all its highly advanced technology, science still has not been able to devise the instruments which are sensitive enough to receive the ultra-high frequencies emanating from these higher vibrationary planes of being.
Can the existence of this life beyond the grave be proven, then? Why, of course, yes! But it will depend largely upon each individual’s own estimation of what to him constitutes sufficient proof.
To some, the vague teachings and veiled references in Scripture are enough evidence, so they say. Well and good. However, as it relates to the many, the lives they lead belie their positive assertions of their faith, for they continue to cling to this life and lust for the things of this world in direct contravention to their professed expectation of a far better life in heaven. If only these people could be more firm in their convictions, perhaps the world would be better.
Clearly, there is a very real need to reinforce man’s wavering faith in the true life. Psychic phenomena in their different forms and varied aspects could fill this need. It would be to our best advantage to try and learn all that we can about these erstwhile-unexplored areas of human experience. And with our increased knowledge, we shall be able to overcome even the fears and the superstitions that have kept us in utter confusion in the past.
Since the early days, God and His angels have been communicating with men through the prophets and seers. Today, we know these same instruments of the Divine as plain mediums and psychics. These mediums and psychics are simply humans like us who have developed their psychic faculties to a very high degree. And as far as the heaven life is concerned, who best can tell us except those angels who are the permanent residents, there.
Today, there are so many various methods of communication that may be availed of. The more elementary of these relate to the use of the ouija board, the employment of tables to rap out Morse Code-like messages, as in the case of the early Spiritualists, and the speaking in tongues of the Christians and Charismatics. However, owing to their very limited nature and because the messages are often unclear and incomprehensible, the resulting communications have not been exceptionally useful.
But the communications become clearer and more effective depending on the character and spiritual readiness of the person seeking to communicate. "The pure in heart will always be able to see God." Provided one is morally upright and properly trained, one might try and do automatic writing. This form of communication is effected by allowing higher intelligences, usually Spirit guides, to have free use of one’s writing hand. Others may prefer to communicate through trance mediums. Some, as illustrated in the Bible, are induced to dream while others are imparted visions. Today, many are clairvoyant and they can see far more than what the physical eye can see, and clairaudient, able to hear sounds which are beyond the ear’s capacity to hear. And then there are those who have developed their telepathic abilities.
Some have obtained to their insights seemingly by accident. There are those who have been mysteriously transported to the Other World even while their physical bodies lay lifeless and they were being declared clinically dead by their doctors. However, they were able to tell their unforgettable stories after they were subsequently revived and brought back to life.
The more spiritually awakened however, as part of their development, are allowed to visit the higher worlds on a more voluntary basis. They are able to disengage themselves from their physical vehicles and, thus freed, are able to travel to planes and dimensions beyond the physical and return unharmed while in full retention of the memory of their journey. The Hindu and Buddhist adepts, a few yogis and Christian mystics and many Spiritualists and Spiritists are able to perform such astral travelling or undertake out-of-body-experiences.
And through them, men in the world are better informed. In these modern times, these occurrences are not as rare as many would believe. It is only that, due to man’s tendency to condemn those who express new ideas and concepts, the truth is guarded if not totally silenced. But the truth will out.
Today, we need not cower in fear of the unknown like little children afraid of the dark. Really, there is nothing to fear provided our motives are sincere. Likewise, we need not remain perpetually in ignorance. Instead, let us be open to the Light. Let us be rid of all the misinformation and the superstitions. Psychic abilities and perceptions can be utilized to obtain more accurate information that will enable us to understand God’s Kingdom better.
There truly is life after death. Heaven is real although existing in an altogether different dimension. And there, where life and happiness are without end, we will be reaping all the fruits of our labor. All that we have deserved will be ours to enjoy. The conditions of life beyond need no longer remain vague and unverified to the earnest seeker, because the proofs are now more readily available. Provided we are genuinely motivated, and persistent and patient enough in our search, we will always be able to find all the proofs we need.
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