Father and Sons
Every child naturally idolizes his father. Weak and almost totally helpless, innocent, ignorant and still untrained in the ways of the world, he holds on tight for dear life, for protection, for guidance. Gradually, but eventually however, with age and experience, he will in time learn to fend for himself and live a life of his own.
God being Spirit created us spirits, in His image and likeness, endowing us with eternal life and with every potentiality to be like Him. Created innocent and ignorant, we are to develop to full maturity and perfection through our own personal strivings and individual merit. In the fullness of our development, as the Father is, so too will His children be.
Yet, the teachers of religion would deny us our birthright. They insist that we are mortal human beings with souls and bodies. We are worldly. We cannot be a god. Such a Hindu teaching as Pantheism or the existence of many gods is heretic, blasphemous and anti-Christ. Only God is God. And yet in the very same breath, they teach that God is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit — Three in One. They are right and they are wrong.
Yes, we are mortals because our bodies die. Yes, we are foolish and ignorant, yet so prideful, selfish and immature, devilish, even. But this is only because we are still children spirits. Just as there are all sorts of human beings on Earth, there are also all kinds of spirits in the Spirit World — elementals and nature spirits, ignorant and evil spirits, playful and mischievous spirits, foolish and pretentious spirits, developing spirits, scientific spirits, good-hearted but not so knowledgeable spirits, wise and high spirits who exemplify ethics and wisdom in the best sense imaginable in the world and those spirits who have attained to spiritual perfection after countless incarnations known to some as the Spirits of Truth and Light and to many Christians collectively as the Holy Spirit. Because we on Earth are still in our childhood, it is only natural for us to feel so inadequate — so human.
But Jesus affirms, "Isn’t it written in your Scriptures, ‘You are gods,’" but better, we are gods-in-the-making. "Those who do the will of my Father in Heaven are as my mother, my brothers and sisters. All that I have done, you too can do. You must be perfect as the Father in Heaven is perfect. I and the Father are One."
So yes, we can never be the One True God of all. The created cannot become equal to its Creator. But we can be more like Him. Given the knowledge, we can be more in tune with His divine will. And in time, we also can be at-one with Him.
Now choose. Which are the Higher Teachings and who should you believe more — the teachers of your religion or Jesus the Christ, our brother?
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