Inner Quest

Enter the Realm of the Spirit

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Fortunate Are the Homosexuals

In the world, gays and lesbians are frowned upon and treated with disdain by many. They are regarded as unclean and sinful and so, deserve to catch AIDS, so some say. The religious, especially, regard it a great service to their God if they are able to help transform gays and lesbians.

In the first place, these self-righteous do-gooders are the ones who need to reform themselves. They should be more understanding and tolerant and not judge or criticize too much. Christ said of them, "Prostitutes and evil men (even gays and lesbians) will enter the Kingdom before them." But enough of them for now. Instead, let us consider God’s plan for gays and lesbians.

Contrary to public perception, we at INNER QUEST teach that the third sex is a normal condition and it has its own advantages. Nevertheless, given sufficient time and ample opportunities, a more balanced development will eventually be attained.

In our journey towards spiritual perfection, we study many things. When we incarnate as men, we focus on wisdom, knowledge, justice, fairness, responsibility and decision-making, among others. When at other times, we incarnate as women, then we center on love and understanding, bringing up children, sympathy, affection and the like. The subsequent integration of all of these developed attributes into one produces a more balanced and perfect individual.

Usually, we develop male characteristics in one lifetime and female characteristics in another. However, sometimes, it is determined that for greater spiritual progress, both roles should be undertaken in just one lifetime. Here is where the third sex becomes the most advantageous condition and is a blessing, in fact, because it allows us the special opportunity to develop both male and female attributes immediately without having to wait for another incarnation. There are many other benefits and advantages available to homosexuals which are not as available to ordinary men and women. They cannot all be included in this brief article, but they can be discussed at length during the courses and counseling sessions.

In the meanwhile, the important thing is to know that God loves the homosexual and that He has a plan for his life, as well. Gays and lesbians need not feel or act guilty. They just need to understand more. And they can begin, today.


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