Faith Healing
You will note from our objectives mentioned in the flier that we are primarily into spiritual education and spiritual development. We focus on healing the spirit-self.
At the present time, we are not at all involved in the treatment of specific physical complaints or in the healing of the physical body, this being the domain of doctors and healers, except to introduce and explain the spiritual principles involved.
Further, while we acknowledge the legitimacy and effectiveness of faith healing or the healing of the body by spiritual means, we do not recommend any one particular healer. Everything depends on your particular situation. You, yourself, should decide these matters.
In seeking for a cure, first, seek the help of a competent medical doctor, preferably an EENT specialist inasmuch as your ear is the organ that is hurting. A healer should be sought only when medical science fails or where treatment by a doctor is not available or feasible.
However, in the event that you should decide to avail of the services of a healer, you might want to follow these simple rules:
- Ask around for healers or healing centers. The more choices, the better.
- Visit as many as you need. Observe the proceedings. Inquire as to methods and practices. Talk also to the patients to learn if they were able to obtain relief or lasting cures. Many Spiritist and alternative healing centers can be found everywhere. Just keep your eyes and ears open.
- Ask the healer what his proposed treatment will be before agreeing to the healing.
- Only after you are sufficiently comfortable and the healer has won your trust should you submit to the actual healing.
- Having done all the things you can do, trust in God to effect a permanent and complete healing and follow the healer’s directions faithfully.
Yes, some envious persons or estranged friends skilled in or having access to the Black Arts may have caused your ailment. However, this is not very likely. And even if such persons try to make you ill, your Guardian Angel — who is real and who loves you — will protect you. Still, he may allow you to suffer temporarily for a predetermined period of time, as required, provided there is a good enough reason or a lesson in it for you to learn. A competent healer/medium/psychic may be able to give you more information on the true circumstances surrounding your predicament.
In every case, however, these experiences are sent your way in order that they may awaken you to the spiritual side of life and spur you to search for deeper meanings and more profound truths. On the way to God and spiritual perfection, we all need to learn a lot more. At the very least, what you learn will enable you to avoid any future recurrence of the same unwanted conditions.
Letter-reply to inquirer
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