Inner Quest

Enter the Realm of the Spirit

Sunday, October 18, 2015

To A Catholic Layman

Everyone has the right to disagree with another. And true friends are comfortable in their not being able to agree on certain things. However, a few thoughts came to me as I reread your remarks.

We do not need to be saved. There is nothing to forgive. We were created perfect seeds (spirits) which are to grow to full maturity and perfection like the Father through our own exertions. Innocence, ignorance, sin or even rebellion is natural to us and very much a part of our growing up, inasmuch as we are still, at the present time, "children spirits." God knowing full well that we are still very innocent and not knowledgeable enough or experienced enough understands and is teaching us all things, slowly and patiently. He sent Christ, our elder brother, to show us the Way to spiritual progress by providing us the living examples of His true nature.

Our incarnations are not without end. Think of Earth as a classroom where we learn our lessons in a school, which is the Universe. One lifetime on Earth is just one day in class. After we attain to a certain set level of spiritual perfection, after we make the grade, then we graduate from our Earthly studies and we no longer need to return.

God does not cease creating. There will always be spirit brothers ahead of us and in back of us who will continue to occupy the many "graded" mansions even as we progress forward along the Path.

Through our repeated life opportunities, every mistake, no matter how grave, can be corrected and restitution, effected. Christ said, "You must pay to the last penny." Elsewhere in the Bible, it is also stated, "We sow what we reap." No one is allowed to evade the consequences of his thoughts and actions. We ourselves, not Christ, will be held accountable if we do wrong. It is only just and fair. However, God always provides the opportunities whereby we may be able to make up for our transgressions. Refer to Lessons 5 and 6 of ‘The Message Made Plain.’

Our physical bodies are suitable only for life here on Earth. Pure and Holy Spirits are characterized as Brilliant Bright Lights as depicted in "Life After Life" without any need for physical bodies.


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