Akashic Records
From the way some people try to conceal the facts, one would think that it is possible to escape the consequences of our actions. Don’t you believe it! There is a true and permanent record of everything we think, feel, say and do, rightly or wrongly, justifiably or not. It used to be the Book of Life. Those whose names are listed therein go to Heaven, those not listed go to Hell.
Today, however, thanks to the great advances in science, even the Book of Life has been rendered obsolete. With the invention of the camera in the 1820s and the subsequent development of motion pictures, we can now begin to appreciate the existence of the Akashic Records. All that happens — pictures in living color complete with digital sound, intense emotions and attendant motives — are captured unerringly and can be accessed by those who are skilled in the process in much the same way we access information from the library or the Internet.
In the Spirit World and, increasingly, even in our own World of Illusion, we stand stark naked before everyone and before God. And everyone will know us for who we really are — without the lies, the frills, the pretenses and the delusions. Good men will project as brilliant Beings of Light. Evil men as dark devils.
From studying the records of individual souls, we will come to realize that there is no accident, but everything that happens was caused to happen. Today is the result of all that we did in the past. And we are building our tomorrow by the things we are doing in the present. It is these Akashic Records that reveal the reasons behind our life experiences.
According to the sleeping Edgar Cayce, the entity that was Nero who burned Rome, persecuted the Christians and fed them to the lions lived again in a sub-human condition. Mentally deranged, his new physical body was continually racked with pain and he was totally dependent on others for his simplest needs. Without a doubt, we will reap what we sow.
In a Spirit message given by Arthur Ford to Ruth Montgomery in aid of her writing, Ford revealed that Napoleon, the envy of many, in his subsequent incarnations, pursued his illusive past glories unsuccessfully and with much misery and pain through his involvement in one war after another. And he will continue to suffer even more until he realizes the error of his ways.
The Holocaust, which all humanity condemns, can be seen as the direct consequence of the Jewish nation’s persecution, torture and murder of Jesus and the prophets. While this racial karma may seem thousands of years late to some, we should remember that a thousand years is only as one day to the Lord. From God’s point of view, He is just and He renders swift justice.
In every respect, the Truth is much, much better than the world’s fiction. It will be painfully clear to all. No one can hide. No one can escape. We must all reform — or suffer the dire consequences. God is watching!
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