Inner Quest

Enter the Realm of the Spirit

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Why we suffer

No one is exempt from misfortune and personal tragedy. Some breadwinners may lose their jobs through no fault of their own and suddenly find themselves impoverished and unable to cope. Some might contract a debilitating terminal disease that could easily wipe out their entire fortune before merciful death finally takes them away. Some may fall victim to injustice, violence or rape that scars them for life. Whatever, times like these are sometimes the only time that we remember God and turn to Him for help.

But often, God can be slow in answering. Usually, we pray and ask for His intervention first. When help doesn’t come at once, we immediately begin to grumble and complain as if He owed us. Some time later, we argue and get mad. We even curse God for letting us suffer. We keep insisting on what we want. We forget to consider what God wants. God always speaks to us. But we fail to hear Him and understand because we refuse to listen.

We are spirits; we are not the body. Spirit or consciousness makes use of bodies only as vehicles for learning lessons here on Earth. In God’s view, the raising of consciousness is well-worth all the pain and suffering that the body may undergo. After all, in like manner that a student takes off his school uniform when he gets home, we just discard the body after it has served its purpose. But spirit lives on, the better for the lessons.

In life after life after life (reincarnation), we evolve through our personal experiences here, and in other planes of being, as well. Good experiences teach us. So called bad experiences, like the ones mentioned in the beginning, afford us more learning and especially teach us the hard lessons. Good and bad, together, provide the basis for a comparison and correct determination of what is right or wrong, better or worse. It is simply that we should emulate all the good examples and turn from all that are bad. Still, the knowledge can be given, but enlightenment needs to be earned.

The Lord clearly tells us the Way. "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. Love your brothers as yourself. Serve them. Don’t judge them. Forgive them. Do to them as you want them to do to you." Only do it to them first without expecting that they do it to you, also.

Now, let’s be honest. For the most part, we ignored his counsel and failed to do our duty toward God. No wonder we suffer and don’t understand the reasons why. But we can understand even the mysteries. Jesus promises, "If we adhere to his teachings, then we will be his disciples, indeed. And we will know the Truth and the Truth will make us free."


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