Speaking In Tongues
In relation to the Balitang K episode on Speaking in Tongues aired last February 26, please allow us to contribute our thoughts in the hope that they will help increase your understanding of this phenomenon.
In teaching or raising consciousness, first we need to call attention before the student will listen to our message. Thoroughly engrossed in the affairs of this world, we find little interest in matters relating to the World to Come except when we are jolted to attention by some accompanying signs and wonders.
Much later on, when we are able to accept the reality of the Unseen World and our curiosity regarding these phenomena has been satisfactorily assuaged, then we are able to arrive at the next forward step. Our fascination over, we begin to question and seek to understand what all the fuss is about.
The end purpose being to communicate between worlds, the utterances through mediums will become more intelligible, even if garbled and unreliable in the early stages. This is pretty much what happened during the development phases of the telegraph, telephone, radio and TV. Everything new and undeveloped will undergo further improvements.
To convince skeptics initially, the psychic or medium performs only during deep trance, receiving and delivering messages given to him word for word, in a voice not his own, secretly and privately, under cover of darkness. Upon returning to consciousness, he remembers nothing of what transpired. Usually, the communications go far beyond the extent of his personal knowledge and experience.
As acceptance grows, further proofs become unnecessary and the medium is allowed to receive and relay information consciously, interpreting pictures and thoughts during daytime and in public. He can also recall everything that happened. Finally in the advanced forms of mediumship, the medium’s eyes can be open and his body will exhibit no extra physical exertions or rigidity. Telepathy most closely approximates normal, unimpeded
communication here on Earth.
As language improves and ideas are more effectively concretized, the messages become more meaningful, rational and better suited to the target audience, according to the audience’s capacity to comprehend. At this advanced stage, the rules that apply in our evaluating information coming from any and all sources, whether from an authorized source or unauthorized, confirmed or unconfirmed, should at all times be observed fully.
Now going back to speaking in tongues. The purpose is to communicate not with God as opined by Mr. Eddie Villanueva, but with each of us in our own language, one we can readily understand and relate to.
In Jerusalem, on the Day of Pentecost, there were present many devout and godly men from foreign lands who spoke different languages (Acts, Chapter 2). To reach and convince them that the Apostles are divinely inspired, the Holy Spirit (Spirits of Truth) communicated through the disciples turned instruments of the Lord (mediums) and spoke directly to the godly men in their own languages. It was primarily because of their wonderment and awe that they were converted to the new faith.
Today, mainly due to ignorance of its purpose, many mindlessly mimic what happened to the disciples during Pentecost by mouthing gibberish thinking the act to be spiritual, and themselves, holy instruments, when in fact, without a listener understanding what is said, the practice becomes a useless and self-deluding activity, and questionable at that. Still, this is allowed because it is generally harmless and, in its own small way, contributes toward proving the existence of the Spirit World, bringing the unenlightened a little closer to God. However, the higher forms of communication and mediumship are rather to be preferred.
Our only purpose in writing to you is to let you know that the deeper explanations to all supernatural phenomena are now being made available to those who are open to them. However, we lay no special claim to divine revelation, this being equally available to everyone. INNER QUEST is just one source, one link in a chain, one small voice among many that are helping to bring about the coming of the Age of Enlightenment.
If we can help to further your understanding of the New Teachings, please just call us and let us know.
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