Sex and Spirituality
In your straight-forward, no nonsense and very revealing dissertations concerning subjects regarded as taboo and previously only talked about in whispers, you have single-handedly managed to raise the level of consciousness of your readers a few grades higher. Brimming with your usual characteristic enthusiasm, sincerely from your heart and as inoffensively as you are able to word it, you present your views clearly and well. You are, in your chosen field, a light to the people. Don’t stop. Do continue.
In your column, ‘Of sex and meaningful relationships’ (February 19), you asked to be clarified regarding sexuality and spirituality. Allow me to contribute my two cents worth.
Drawing from the old and new teachings being made available to us in these end times preparatory to the advent of the new millenium, we will find that sex and sexual urges, strong or weak, are natural to humans in our present stage of development.
In fact, Hinduism and Buddhism, by extension, teach that one of our chief goals is the enjoyment of life’s pleasures, including the sexual kind. Many Muslims and Christians, however, thinking them sinful, choose to repress these natural urges. And unfortunately, this repression invariably results in some personal disharmony and discord, and even in them committing rape or some other physical, sexual abuse. Therefore, provided that certain rules of proper conduct are observed, it would be more practical and to our best advantage if we could just let things run their normal course until we are able to attain to the full satiation of these desires.
The division into sexes was not always so. Previously we were self-contained and androgynous entities, complete in ourselves, needing no one. As such, we were thoroughly selfish, pridefully independent, self-reliant and apathetic to each other. In segregating us spirit beings into male and female, gay and lesbian, God enabled each of us to experience the need for another human being. And in being compelled to interact with one another socially and, just as importantly, for the purpose of procreation, we are able to ease our initial selfishness and move progressively toward loving our neighbors and attaining at-one-ment with all of creation. At the same time, we are afforded the opportunities to develop our male and female attributes more effectively. As an incentive and reward, God gives us the added experience of sexual pleasure.
At that time during the Atlantean Age, being naturally curious, we experimented with ourselves and with various animals, which matings resulted in the so-called monstrosities — sphinxes, mermaids, centaurs and hideous creatures with horns, tails and other appendages, which became the stuff of legends. All these are discussed in greater detail in the Edgar Cayce life readings and the esoteric studies conducted by the Theosophical Society to which groups this knowledge was entrusted for dissemination to the rest of the world.
Even at the present time, we are still in the process of discovery and pleasure seeking. This, in itself, is not at all sinful or excessive. In our journey to perfection and Godliness through countless incarnations, we are transformed from being materialistic and Earthly to becoming more spiritual, very gradually. In time, like children tiring of their newly-bought toys after having derived all the satisfaction they can get out of them, we will automatically prefer to pursue the more spiritual aspects of our being.
In the meantime, while we have the urges, these must all be satisfied if we are to maintain our equilibrium and sanity. If we are thirsty, we must drink. If hungry, we must eat. First things must be attended to first.
I agree with Pastor Raymond A. Cuthbert that the safest, most convenient and most uncomplicated method of satisfying sexual urges and getting them out of the way, so to speak, is for one to masturbate. The practice hurts no one but oneself, if at all, and it is not
necessary for us to abuse a partner merely to gratify our own selfish desires.
To those who have the greater need, prostitutes provide much needed relief and who therefore deserve to be fully compensated for their service, whether or not they also enjoy their work. It is a fair exchange. They should also be left free to dispense their favors and not be continually hounded and harassed by the authorities or preyed upon by slavers and other predators. And yes, they too should be respected and even thanked, because by providing a means of release to those in need, horny men and women are given an alternative recourse and they become less inclined to commit crimes of passion.
Other important considerations, however, must also be taken into account and may even take precedence depending on the situation — the possibility of siring unwanted children or resorting to abortion, the risk of marriages failing, estrangement from close family and friends, contracting venereal diseases and AIDS, condemnation and persecution by the intolerant and prejudiced — the self-righteous, the prudes and the hypocrites, included.
We are also to observe one final deciding rule in determining if our action is right or wrong, regardless of whether we are straight (heterosexual) or otherwise. We are to do unto others what we want others to do unto us. If we want pleasure, we should give pleasure. In fact, we should give more than we receive. We should never impose on others against their will. We should respect our sexual partners and love them as we love ourselves. And as recommended by Pastor Cuthbert, the more heartfelt feelings we can bring to the relationship, the more satisfying it can be.
If we can persistently follow this Golden Rule, we will always be on the right track, spiritually, and we will be able to move forward in our development inspite of the natural weaknesses and failings of our flesh. Then, all will be well and all will end well.
Letter to MH
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