The Holy Spirits will guide you
Jesus said: "I have used proverbs to tell you these things, but the time is coming when the truth shall not be so veiled and I will speak to you plainly about the Father." (JN 16)
"If you adhere to my teaching, you will really be my disciples; and you shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free." (JN 8)
"Oh, there is so much more I want to tell you, but you cannot understand it now. When the Spirit of Holiness and Truth comes, he will guide you into all truth." (JN 16)
"But the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." (JN 14)
Speaking plainly, therefore, we should better first clear up the mystery of the Holy Spirit. It is simple, really, but veiled from the eyes of the profane since long ago. The Holy Spirit is a spirit entity that is already holy.
Holy Spirits - Pure Spirits
From: The Spirits' Book
General Characteristics — The influence of matter, null; a superiority, both intellectual and moral, so absolute as to constitute what, in comparison with the spirits of all the other orders, may be termed perfection.
Spirits of this order have passed through every degree of the scale of progress and have freed themselves from all the impurities of materiality. Having attained the sum of perfection of which created beings are susceptible, they no longer have to undergo either trials or expiations. Being no longer subject to reincarnation in perishable bodies, they enter on the life of eternity in the immediate presence of God. They are in the enjoyment of a beatitude which is unalterable, because they are no longer subject to the wants and vicissitudes of material life; but this beatitude is not the monotonous idleness of perpetual contemplation. They are the messengers and ministers of God, the executors of His orders in the maintenance of universal harmony. They exercise a sovereign command over all spirits inferior to themselves, aid them in accomplishing the work of their purification, and assign to each of them a mission proportioned to the progress already made by them. To assist men in their distresses, to excite them to the love of good or to the expiation of the faults which keep them back on the road to the supreme felicity, are for them congenial occupations. They are sometimes spoken of as angels, archangels or seraphim. They can, when they choose to do so, enter into communication with men.
From: The Spirits' Book
General Characteristics — The influence of matter, null; a superiority, both intellectual and moral, so absolute as to constitute what, in comparison with the spirits of all the other orders, may be termed perfection.
Spirits of this order have passed through every degree of the scale of progress and have freed themselves from all the impurities of materiality. Having attained the sum of perfection of which created beings are susceptible, they no longer have to undergo either trials or expiations. Being no longer subject to reincarnation in perishable bodies, they enter on the life of eternity in the immediate presence of God. They are in the enjoyment of a beatitude which is unalterable, because they are no longer subject to the wants and vicissitudes of material life; but this beatitude is not the monotonous idleness of perpetual contemplation. They are the messengers and ministers of God, the executors of His orders in the maintenance of universal harmony. They exercise a sovereign command over all spirits inferior to themselves, aid them in accomplishing the work of their purification, and assign to each of them a mission proportioned to the progress already made by them. To assist men in their distresses, to excite them to the love of good or to the expiation of the faults which keep them back on the road to the supreme felicity, are for them congenial occupations. They are sometimes spoken of as angels, archangels or seraphim. They can, when they choose to do so, enter into communication with men.
To all those who seek to know the Truth, the guidance is available. But we must first meet certain minimum requirements to merit instruction by the Holy Spirits.
Qualifications of Students
- The applicant must be genuinely motivated for the right reasons
Many enter into these studies merely to satisfy their curiosity. They’ve heard something about the teachings but don’t really know what they are about. Some come for healing. The doctors have given up on them, or else, were not able to heal them. Others are just too poor; they cannot afford to go to a doctor. After hearing of miraculous healings taking place, they become attracted to the healers. Others come for the powers and increased perceptions that can be obtained. In the beginning, we all come for some selfish reasons. However, if we really want to progress in these studies, our goals must ascend to a higher order. We must be genuinely motivated to do some good, not just for ourselves, but for others, as well.
- The applicant must have an earnest desire to learn and develop spiritually
Desire fuels our efforts. Unless we want something badly enough, we won’t exert the necessary efforts and we can never attain. We also need to have a clear objective. And it must be the right objective. The purpose of these studies is not to be the pursuit of worldly goals. Worldly matters are of no great concern to the Spirits of Truth. Instead, they are primarily and exclusively focused on spiritual objectives and spiritual development. These are the things that are far more important to God. We must also realize that all things can be learned provided we apply ourselves to our studies.
- The applicant must be serious, determined and willing to persevere
These studies require great sacrifices, much time and patient efforts. No one can continue unless he is deeply committed. Each lesson carries a high price in terms of sweat and tears, pain and suffering. All things of value are worth paying their price.
These three are the most important qualifications. The rest come later. It doesn’t matter that you are a sinner. We all are, anyway. And no matter how grave your sin, provided you meet these three requirements, you can be accepted as a student.
Impediments to Learning
Further, before any accepted student may progress in these studies, there will be many obstacles he must also overcome:
- Pride
We should have confidence in ourselves and take pride in our accomplishments. However, we should not delude ourselves. No matter what our present status in life, how powerful we may be, how successful or how rich, we still have much to learn. Even though we may have attended the best schools and are teachers in our own right, still, we don’t know enough. "The knowledge of the world is foolishness to God." We should always be open to instruction from all quarters. Those who are behind us can remind us of the lessons we have already learned. Those who are ahead can provide valuable insights to guide us. There is Light in the greatest and in the least.
- Impatience
Truth must be built from the ground up. It takes time to build solid foundations. All knowledge based on false premises cannot endure. Every proposition must be thoroughly scrutinized and understood before they are accepted. Many want the truth now, not tomorrow, not next week, but today, now. But this is like asking a doctor of medicine who completed his education only after many years of study to impart all he knows to a student in just a couple of days or weeks and expect that student to be able to heal outright. This cannot be, nor is this reasonable. Learning necessarily requires much time and patient efforts.
- Close-mindedness
We need to be open to new concepts and teachings. Otherwise, we won’t be able to progress. It is understandable for us to be attached to our present beliefs. However, if life does not conform to these beliefs, then our understanding must be wrong. We should seek out new answers where our own are proven inadequate. It is especially difficult to let go of long-held beliefs and false notions, but this must be done before we can move forward. Life is a continuous breaking down and building anew, but each time, better than before.
- Inability to be true to self
Let us not pretend to be good when we are not. We must be honest enough to admit our faults and weaknesses. We should see ourselves as we really are without the frills and the trimmings. We can effect necessary improvements only after we recognize our character deficiencies. God is righteous and we need to be like Him before we can really know Him and live with Him in His kingdom.
- Worldly involvements
Certain Earthly preoccupations are still necessary and, in fact, should take precedence over our spiritual pursuits. However, we should not overemphasize their importance. Instead, we should keep our spiritual goals always in sight and give them the priority they deserve.
- Lust for the things of the world
For as long as we are thirsty, we need to drink. Similarly, we need to satisfy our worldly cravings. However, Earthly things are not to be desired. We should gradually turn from them and prefer, instead, the things of the spirit. The more we remain fascinated by worldly pleasures, the longer it will take us to attain to the real treasures in Heaven.
- Wrong attitudes
Some are far too demanding. They think God owes them an explanation. They never think to mend their ways, instead. But God only answers those who wait patiently with an open and repentant heart. Others want every benefit without working for them. They argue that Jesus already paid for their sins and that God is like a genie, just waiting at their pleasure to grant their every wish. But this is not what God has decreed. Instead, we should never expect something for nothing. More, we must be willing to give before we can receive.
Reference links:
Introduction to the Holy Spirits
Introduction to the Holy Spirits
How the Holy Spirits administer their guidance