Bishop Spong's 12 Theses
A critical response to Spong’s 12 Theses:
My thoughts on John Spong's (Bishop of Newark) 12 Theses. But what are your views on this subject?
1 The concept of God is too far removed from material existence, such that we really have no way of comprehending His true nature. But we will know more when we get to where He is.
2 We might as well stop studying if, as is proposed, these things cannot be known, anyway. But no, the more we study, the more we learn. Still, we will come to understand more only after we complete our studies, not before or even during.
3 The Biblical story of creation is the Truth couched in parable. There is some truth in it, but not everything written there is true. One veiled truth is that for us to learn what is good and evil, we will need to be born here on earth to learn our lessons and at the end of a lifetime, we will die.
4 Whether the virgin birth is true or not is irrelevant and has no bearing on Christ's divinity. This is a Pagan influenced belief. But Christ is divine because his Father is. And so are we, because God is our Father, too, and Christ is our brother, except that Jesus is far more evolved than we are.
5 There are no miracles as the word implies. Everything is in accordance with some universal or natural law. It is just that the level of our scientific knowledge has not yet reached the degree where we can understand its workings. Jesus did so-called miracles. But he also said, "All that I have done, you, too, can do." It follows that we will eventually be able to understand, as well.
6 The view of the cross as the sacrifice for the sins of the world is a barbarian idea based on primitive concepts of God and must be dismissed. Rightly so. Instead, as we mature in the Spirit, we will learn to take responsibility for our own thoughts and deeds. No one can save us except ourselves.
7 After our earthly lessons are over, we are to return home to "Heaven" which is our true home. When we were born, we clothed ourselves in flesh bodies. When we die, we simply discard the physical body and having freed ourselves from its cloying influence, we can then ascend to the Higher Planes.
8 Obviously, since the Nicene Creed and all the main supporting church teachings were formulated "when the world was flat" prior to the “Age of Science and Reason,” therefore, the old teachings need to be reformulated to keep abreast of the new developments. However, despite Vatican II and the New Catechism, much of the objections and false teachings have not been addressed or resolved.
This situation sets the stage for the introduction of the New Divine Teachings for the men of the New Millennium. New explanations and teachings combining science, philosophy and the religious teachings, more rational and logical, and couched in plain and simple language are now being made available for everyone to judge based on their merits.
9 Like day follows day, we will know what tomorrow brings when tomorrow comes, not before. When we have completed prerequisite studies and are ready for even higher studies, then we will be introduced to those higher principles.
10 We can always pray to God asking Him favors. However, God dispenses favors irregardless of our requests. He always provides, not so much our physical needs and desires but according to the needs of our Spirit self.
11 There is no question that we already have been granted eternal life. How we spend the rest of it is our dilemma. Do we want to remain here on earth, and continue to suffer and die or do we want to be with God, forever, in happiness and peace and love? Only those who approach the perfect nature and righteousness of God, our Father, can earn the right to be with Him in Heaven.

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