Progressive revelations
Christ is coming!
Christ is coming!
People everywhere have grown to be disbelieving and critical of all religions. They argue that the old dogmatic teachings just don't make sense and instead of being a good influence, they have even become a force for evil because of the fanaticism and religious wars that they propagate. Nevertheless, before we swing over to the other extreme that is reverse fanaticism, perhaps we should rather first be open to new concepts and teachings, more rational and lucid explanations.
Going back to those early Scriptural times, we will find that the people were so much more ignorant compared to the people of today. To bring them forward, the wise men of old formulated only the simplest possible explanations and teachings. They were all that the people could comprehend, then. Lacking the ability to reason, they were told to accept God's divine instructions given through prophets and priests without question. More, they were compelled to blindly follow the teachings of the church under the threat of excommunication or eternal hell.
However, the situation today is so very much different. Today, the old simplistic explanations no longer satisfy. So today, for those who are ready, New Teachings are made available. As in our earthly schools, don't we begin our education by taking on the basics first. That learned, then only can we begin to take up more advanced studies -- ABCs before complete sentences, simple arithmetic before higher math. So too in regard to the Divine Teachings -- parables and Scripture stories of before, but now, the Divine Principles are clarified and made plain.
Hinduism and Buddhism
Hinduism, the oldest surviving major religion, provides us with the foundational bases of our beliefs. We owe to Hinduism much of our knowledge of the True Self and the True Spiritual Reality.
Going back to those early Scriptural times, we will find that the people were so much more ignorant compared to the people of today. To bring them forward, the wise men of old formulated only the simplest possible explanations and teachings. They were all that the people could comprehend, then. Lacking the ability to reason, they were told to accept God's divine instructions given through prophets and priests without question. More, they were compelled to blindly follow the teachings of the church under the threat of excommunication or eternal hell.
However, the situation today is so very much different. Today, the old simplistic explanations no longer satisfy. So today, for those who are ready, New Teachings are made available. As in our earthly schools, don't we begin our education by taking on the basics first. That learned, then only can we begin to take up more advanced studies -- ABCs before complete sentences, simple arithmetic before higher math. So too in regard to the Divine Teachings -- parables and Scripture stories of before, but now, the Divine Principles are clarified and made plain.
Hinduism and Buddhism
Hinduism, the oldest surviving major religion, provides us with the foundational bases of our beliefs. We owe to Hinduism much of our knowledge of the True Self and the True Spiritual Reality.
Buddhism taught us how we could more efficiently attain to Nirvana and freedom from the rounds of rebirth, disease, old age and death. Gautama Buddha enjoins us to follow the Middle Way of life between the extremes of self-indulgence and self-mortification through our recognition of the Four Noble Truths and our commitment to the Noble Eightfold Path.
In this New Age, the study of Theosophy was introduced. God's Plan of Evolution for all His creatures was revealed and made available for serious study by advanced students or "chelas" of the Masters. Lobsang Rampa recounted his own personal experiences so that we may better learn and understand even the more complex concepts and teachings once regarded as Occult. And further on in continuation of our spiritual education, another Buddha, Maitreya, will be coming in God's appointed time.
Judaism, Christianity and Islam
In this New Age, the study of Theosophy was introduced. God's Plan of Evolution for all His creatures was revealed and made available for serious study by advanced students or "chelas" of the Masters. Lobsang Rampa recounted his own personal experiences so that we may better learn and understand even the more complex concepts and teachings once regarded as Occult. And further on in continuation of our spiritual education, another Buddha, Maitreya, will be coming in God's appointed time.
Judaism, Christianity and Islam
Abraham broke away from Brahmanism, the forerunner of Hinduism to re-emphasize the concept of the One God. Through Moses, the first laws were made known to early man. Jesus later refuted most all of the objectionable teachings and man-made laws of the Hebrews and upgraded our divine instruction. He revealed and clarified the Truth. He taught that love and service to our fellowmen was the only Way to God, and showed us how by his example. Through his illustrations and descriptions relating to the Kingdom of the Father, he enabled us to deepen our knowledge concerning the Real Life to Come.
The crass materialism prevalent in the 1850s reversed and turned to a fascination with the Occult on the growing popularity of psychic occurrences. The survival of the spirit was strongly suggested in the phenomena of Spiritualism, while for the more rational freethinkers, the New Teachings of the New Age were introduced through the study of Spiritism. This was in fulfillment of Christ's promise, "I will send you the Holy Spirits to guide you to all truth."
The revelations continued in the life readings of Edgar Cayce and the spirit messages given through many other channelers, mediums and ordinary psychics. The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ by Levi declares that: "At first of every age, Christ comes to light the way." Many expect his imminent return in our time, according to his promise.
The prophet Muhammad under the guidance of the Archangel Gabriel taught that in the face of their trials, the Arabs should submit to the will of Allah. Believers were primarily entasked with the furtherance of good and the repression of all evil. He advocated that all Muslims should help one another. Emphasis was placed on equality and brotherhood of all, including those belonging to other faiths. The more mystical aspects of the Islamic teachings were entrusted to the Sufis.
The crass materialism prevalent in the 1850s reversed and turned to a fascination with the Occult on the growing popularity of psychic occurrences. The survival of the spirit was strongly suggested in the phenomena of Spiritualism, while for the more rational freethinkers, the New Teachings of the New Age were introduced through the study of Spiritism. This was in fulfillment of Christ's promise, "I will send you the Holy Spirits to guide you to all truth."
The revelations continued in the life readings of Edgar Cayce and the spirit messages given through many other channelers, mediums and ordinary psychics. The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ by Levi declares that: "At first of every age, Christ comes to light the way." Many expect his imminent return in our time, according to his promise.
The prophet Muhammad under the guidance of the Archangel Gabriel taught that in the face of their trials, the Arabs should submit to the will of Allah. Believers were primarily entasked with the furtherance of good and the repression of all evil. He advocated that all Muslims should help one another. Emphasis was placed on equality and brotherhood of all, including those belonging to other faiths. The more mystical aspects of the Islamic teachings were entrusted to the Sufis.
In 1852, a Persian nobleman imprisoned in a dungeon in Tehran received an enlightenment from God. Over the next 40 years, Bahaulla who is claimed to be the latest divine messenger from God in the continuing tradition of the old prophets including Rama, Krishna, Abraham, Moses, Buddha, Jesus and Muhammad came to found a new religion. Bahaulla teaches a more liberal and universal doctrine that emphasizes the unity of all religions and reinterprets the age-old truths for the modern man. Its adherents now numbering some 6 million faithful, Bahai would appear to be the much-awaited and much-needed reform movement that will upgrade the teachings of the religion of Islam. But only time will tell.
Everywhere, great changes are inevitable. Everyone will be called to embrace the New Teachings and strive to upgrade to a higher degree of enlightenment. Decide wisely. Prepare the way for the coming of the Lord!

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